A Transitional Era Irish Reconstructionist Calendar

A long while ago now, I made the decision to completely change the dates of the Irish Holidays. Over the years, the original calendar has expanded to include several local holidays- and, after my switch to focusing on the Transitional Era, is expanded again to include Saint Holidays. Over the last few months I've been working on turning this sort of Proto-Calendar of mine into something more solid and reflective of both my practice and the Gnosis and Doxa I've developed over the years.


Christmastide; Based on the Orthodox dates for Christmas + a little Saint lore + personal UPG.

  • January 6: Feast of St. Brighid of Kildare; Celebrates Brighid the Saint as the Midwife of Mary helping to birth Jesus

  • January 7: Christmas Day; Celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ

  • January 8: Feast of St. Íte of Killeedy; Celebrates Íte the Saint as the foster mother of Jesus and all the Saints of Ireland

  • January 20: Feast of the Lilies; Celebrates Fiacre the Saint as he who planted the Garden of Eden for God, and Mary Mother of God as she who tended it.

  • January 21: The Revival; Celebrates all the healers of the Tuath (including Brighid, Airmedh, Dian Cécht, and Miach, etc)


Perpetuity; Celebrating the first Contract of Faith and the crowning of the First King, the renewal of the contract, and the fertility / prosperity of the land and herds- as well as the return of the light and warmth at spring.

  • March 1: Lá Céadamh; Welcoming Spring; Equivalent to Imbolc; See the old calendar

  • March 2: Feast of St. Mary of the Candles; Celebrates Brighid the Goddess as Mary of the Candles

  • March 3: Sovereign Day; Celebrates the laying with and crowning of the first King by Anand / Anu / the Morrigan, and the fertility and prosperity of the land 

  • March 13: Wedding Anniversary; Renewal of the Vows and Thanking of Cailleach for a blessed / successful marriage


Holy Week; Starts with the Crucifixion. First trio (The Descension) Celebrates the death of Christ and his Descent into Hell. The Resurrection (Easter) occurs. The second trio (The Ascension) celebrates the ascension of Christ and Mother into Heaven. Ends with a celebration of the entire Christ-Cycle; based very roughly on the orthodox date for Easter + Oklahoma’s rainy / tornado season.

  • May 12: The Crucifixion; Ash Wednesday, basically; Mourns the Crucifixion of Christ; Fasting holiday

  • May 13: Feast of St. Mary of Solitude; Celebrates Airmedh the Goddess as Our Lady of Solitude and the Washer-Woman at the Fjord, who prepared Jesus’ body after his Crucifixion; Fasting holiday

  • May 14: Feast of St. Mary of the Sorrows; Celebrates Clíodhna the Goddess as Mary of the Sorrows, she who keened for Jesus’ Death during his wake; Fasting holiday

  • May 15: Feast of St. Mary, Star of the Sea; Celebrates Manannán the God as Mary, Star of the Sea; the Ferryman and father of all the Saints of Ireland Saints; he who held Jesus’ soul from Heaven; Fasting holiday

  • May 16: Easter; Celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ; Light break-fast day

  • May 17: Feast of the Cicadas; Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ; Feasting holiday

  • May 18: Feast of the Roses; Feast of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven; Feasting holiday

  • May 19: Feast of the Junipers; Trinity Sunday / Feast of the Trinity / Pentecost / celebrating the reunification of God; Feasting holiday

  • May 20: Revelation; Celebrates the Christ-Cycle: Immaculate Conception, revelation of Christ as savior, Crucifixion of Christ, Resurrection, Ascension, and eventual Rebirth / Reincarnation; Mystic holiday; Feasting holiday


  • June 1: Lá Lárbhliana; Welcoming Summer; Equivalent to Lá Bealtaine; See the old calendar

  • June 5: Birthday; Reflection and rededication

  • June 6: Feast of Apples; Celebrates Adam and Eve as the first ancestors, and Lugh Nathair as the first son, conceived after Eve consumed the fruit of the garden

  • June 8: Feast of St. Ercnact(a) of Ulster; Celebrates Ercnact(a) the Saint, Patron(ess) of the Trans / Nonbinary / Gender Nonconforming / Gender Queer (and of MOGAI as a whole).


Turntide; Celebrates the conversion of Ireland to Christianity, and the role it played in the preservation of Irish faith; also celebrates the act of faith itself.

  • July 10: Feast of St. Mary Magdalene; Celebrates Mary Magdalene the Saint, High Apostle and Apostle to the Apostles 

  • July 11: Feast of St. Pádraig; Celebrates Patrick, Patron Saint and Converter of Ireland 

  • July 12: Feast of St. Máel Ruain; Celebrates Máel Ruain, patron of the Pious; Monastic / Mystical Holiday

August / September

Lending; Celebrates the harvest beginning, and the contract of faith and the land; combines the old sovereignty-and-rents aspects of Lughnasadh with personal UPG about several figures.

  • August 28: The Giving of Ireland; Celebrates Cailleach the Goddess stepping aside and giving Ireland to God

  • August 29: The Holy Wedding; Celebrates Cailleach the Goddess as the Bride of God, and as (Mary) Queen of Heaven  

  • August 30: Feast of the Mother: Celebrates Cailleach the Goddess as the creatrix, and the birth of Anu / Anand / the Morrigan by her

  • August 31: The Crowning; Celebrates the Crowning of Anu / Anand / the Morrigan as Great Queen of the Tuatha- and as Mary, Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn

  • September 1: Lá Fhómhairna; Welcoming Autumn; Equivalent to Lúnasa; See the old calendar

September / October

Thanksgiving; Basically a mix of Martinmas and a sort of vague bit of the broad general idea behind the American Thanksgiving holiday + a dash of Indigenous People’s Day.

  • September 30: Feast of St. Mary Viriditas; Celebrates Fliodhais the Goddess as Mary, Our Lady of the Green / Mary Viriditas  

  • October 1: Feast of the Deer; See the old calendar

  • October 2: Feast of the Rabbit; See the old calendar

  • October 3: Feast of the Fox; See the old calendar

  • October 4: Feast of St. Mary, Mystical Rose; Celebrates Gráinne the Goddess as Mary, Mystica Rosa


Hallowtide; Old Samhain + Allhallowtide, basically

  • December 1: Lá Deireanach; Welcoming Winter; Equivalent to Lá Samhna; See the old calendar

  • December 2: All Souls Day; Feast of All the Holy and Heroic Souls

  • December 3: All Saints Day; Feast of All the Saints and Martyrs 

It shouldn't need to be stated but apparently it does, as I've had some trouble with the issue on Tumblr already but: Not only is this calendar not an accurate representation of Celtic Reconstructionist belief, let alone Ancient Irish belief... It's also not accurate in regards to the Gaelic calendar year; the Gaelic Calendar Year is a wholly different calendar altogether, and that should be blatantly obvious to anyone who takes two seconds to actually look at this.

Furthermore, this calendar is not for you. In fact, by its very nature, and the very nature of things it includes, it is utterly impossible for it to be relevant to literally anyone but myself. And vulturing things that others have created, without understanding anything about their meanings or the paradigms they were created within, is never a good look- especially when you don't have their permission in the first place.

Now, with that being said: If you would like to learn how to develop your own Calendar unique to your own practice- as I've done here for myself- then I'd like to direct you to The Twisted Rope on Wordpress. They have a beautiful 5 part series about doing just that (I, II, III, IV, V).
